Vision Statement

Happy together, safe together, learning together…

…where all members of the Craylearning community feel happy and safe to take risks in their learning, learn from their mistakes and develop the skills to prepare them for their future, as lifelong learners.

To achieve this Vision, our aims are:

  • To provide a happy, safe and welcoming environment so pupils enjoy coming to school.
  • To develop a growth mindset culture throughout the school, where everyone strives to improve themselves.
  • To praise children for the effort that they put into their work developing their understanding of the impact effort has on attainment.
  • To encourage children to take risks, be fearless of making mistakes and learn from the mistakes that they make.
  • To develop a sense of resilience across the school, so that children are confident enough not to give up on their learning.
  • To set high and challenging standards to enable each child to achieve their best in every area of the curriculum.
  • To encourage children to be creative and resourceful.
  • To make learning relevant, stimulating, engaging and enjoyable for each child through the provision of a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum.
  • To teach children to be tolerant and sensitive and respect themselves and the beliefs and opinions of others, through good behaviour.
  •  To develop a spiritual awareness and sense of awe and wonder about the world.
  • To promote positive working relationships between parents, governors, staff, pupils and other agencies to enable everyone to work together for the benefit of each individual child.