Designated Safeguarding Lead
Kylie Cox (Pupil and parent support team lead)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads
Leanne Drake (Pupil and parent support team)
Yvonne Stone (SENCO)
Lisa Farrell
Kris Hiscock (Headteacher)
Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It includes a wide range of issues relating to pupil’s welfare, health and safety.
(Briefing for Section5 Inspectors on Safeguarding Children, Ofsted April 2015)
Safeguarding Documents
Ofsted Good School
We are proud to be recognised as a Good School. Our pupils love coming to our happy, welcoming and friendly school, where we provide a safe and nurturing environment. Our dedicated staff genuinely care for and support each student, ensuring their wellbeing and development.